Have Horse Will Travel
Have Horse Will Travel
Where do we go from here?
The big question of the moment – and, honestly, at any point in the ride – is where have we been and where are we going? (Yes, I know that’s two questions). With the uncertainties of travel restrictions and safety during this COVID-19 epidemic, that question is more relevant than ever.
Plus, special guest Lisa of Willow Domestic Violence Center joins us for a very informative conversation about domestic violence, including useful advice on talking with teens, helping victims, and fun ways you can help end DV in your community.
What to Listen For:
00:25 Introduction
02:29 The original 2020 plan and how Coronavirus has affected this
03:41 Where we have been
04:45 Where we still have left to ride
06:02 How Apollo and I will get home at the end and what we’ll do next
07:27 Where I’m most looking forward to riding
10:01 Spread the word, help me find local hosts and helpers!
11:17 Welcome guest Lisa
12:09 Willow’s many wonderful services
18:43 Knowing what healthy vs unhealthy relationships look like... before unhealthy becomes dangerous
20:49 How to talk to teens about dating violence, effectively
24:08 How to help someone you’re worried about
26:21 How to help end domestic violence in your community
31:29 You are not alone
31:44 Conclusion
32:42 End of episode
About our Guest: Lisa of Willow Domestic Violence Center
Willow is the licensed residential and non-residential Domestic Violence Provider in Monroe County, New York. Services include a 24/7 hotline/textline, shelter, advocacy services, counseling, prevention education, etc. Willow is focused on being survivor centered and using a trauma informed approach.
For 13 years prior to being at Willow I worked in Higher Education in Monroe County. I talked with students every day about things like substance use/abuse, vandalism, assault, arson, rape, dating violence, stalking, disruptive community behavior, etc. When the position became open at Willow, I jumped at the chance to be on the other end of the spectrum of the issue!
Willow Domestic Violence Center Website
Willow’s help numbers (call from anywhere!):
Hotline 585-222-7233
Text line 585-348-7233
Other domestic violence resources:
National Domestic Violence Hotline or call 1−800−799−7233
What it is, and even more ways to get help
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